Thursday, November 29, 2012


So I think I understand why Jesus loved kids.

Kids are just plain and simply beautiful.  Yes, I know. They have their moments when they are NOT beautiful.  They get crabby.  They are not always nice, nor do they always behave perfectly.  Well who does?  But if you cut down to the core of it and look past all of that stuff, they are just beautiful and, in my opinion, they act how a lot of adults should act more often. 

If only I could tell you all the stories of how they have brought so much joy and laughter into my life.  I love my job for that reason, plus I get to help them with things they struggle with - and I love to help people.  When I first felt called to go into speech language pathology, I decided I was going to work with adults with brain injuries like my dad.  God had different ideas.

I had two practicum placements in schools and I fell in love with working with kids.  I also found out I was quite gifted with them...I had no idea.  They were so full of life and energy and had so much ahead of just fit me perfectly.  So God changed my plan, and I am really grateful He did!!

I have these two little boys that I see who are in first grade and let me tell you, they are the joy of my life.  I think I love them as much as if they were my own kids.  They have the best senses of humor, and are just so sweet and funny....I think they could probably get away with just about anything and I wouldn't care.  The other day, I had a sensory turkey (this giant turkey I had made on construction paper with different "feathers" that had items glued on. We were working on describing what they felt and saw).  One of the items was googly eyes.  The one little boy said, "Eeeeeeew!! Mr. Eyeballs!" I cracked up.  My other favorite was another time when we were playing vocab bingo and were going through all of the items on the sheet to make sure they knew what they all were.  When I got to "jeans" and asked, "What are these?" the other little boy said, "Skinny jeans!!"  Again, I cracked up.  There are at least 100 other stories like that. 

Plus, all the hugs.  I get hugs from kids I don't even know!  At the beginning of this year, on our home/child School Day, I was helping with the interpreter portion of the night, and when I went out to get the Somali kids in from outside, this one little girl who I didn't even know was smiling at me, staring at me as she was walking towards the door.  She got up to me and threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug.  My heart melted.  It reminds me of Canada sometimes. 

So anyway, kids are awesome.  They may test my patience at times, but I for one second don't regret what I do and I love what God has called me to do.  He is by far wiser than we are. :)

In Christ,

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