So first things first: I need to write about two food adventures. First off is the scone...
It all began...a year ago? This fall? I can't even remember. But I was at French Meadow Bakery (go figure...), and I saw it. The scone. Or, as I affectionately refer to it as, "The Happy Scone". It's real name is the Chocolate Ginger Spelt Scone. I think I began drooling on the spot because: 1. I love chocolate. 2. I love ginger. and 3. I love, love LOVE spelt flour. There are several things in the world of cooking/baking that I am very fond of, and let me tell you, spelt flour is one of them. Why? No clue. I just love it. So I bought the scone. And had it for breakfast the next morning, and that is when the obsession began. I loved every single thing about that scone. From that point on, every time I went to French Meadow would result in me first marching up to the bakery case, and if I spied the scone, that was the first thing I ordered - to go, of course - to feast on the next morning.
The original scone from French Meadow
Eventually, it got so bad, that I searched out a recipe for the scone online, and lo and behold, I found one. I excitedly printed it off....and forgot about it. About three months later, after a string of going to French Meadow and not finding my beloved scone, I broke down and yanked the recipe out. The result was a recreation of the one and only scone that I love... Honestly, I almost feel as though these scones turned out better than the ones at French Meadow did. (But don't tell them that...) And yes, I realize you are all going to think I'm crazy, but that's ok. I am a little crazy, but it helps keep me sane. :-)The next adventure happened today. About a year ago at my friend Nancy's bachelorette party, I had a pizza with fennel on it. I had never cooked with fennel before, and actually had it for the first time in 2010 in Virginia. I had always heard about it, but wasn't sure about it, and after I tried it I eventually knew I would cook with it. After that pizza at the bachelorette party, I secretly became obsessed with recreating a pizza with fennel on it. Once winter came, I sort-of forgot about it, until about three weeks ago, and was hit with an inspiration...ham + fennel + goat cheese (since I can't have cow's milk cheese). So tonight I made the I mean, W.O.W. It was awesome. I would highly recommend it. :-)
Cutting up the fennel Sauteeing the fennel
The ham Goat's cheeeeeeese
Pizza dough Before going in the oven
The finished product
So, I also realized that photography definitely is my passion. I have been taking pictures since I was in 4th grade, and even then I was always looking for the artistic shot. Apparently I have been destined to be a phogographer my whole life. :-)
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