Life has been crazy but oh so good!! Dan and I got married on December 21 (thank the good Lord). Has it been all rosey and perfect? Of course not. Two very different people learning to live under the same roof can create challenges. But overall this has been the best thing I could have ever been blessed with. Being married is such a gift from God - it purifies you and challenges you, and it is so great to have someone to face life with - even the everyday "boring" things of life. Someone to pray with, talk to, read the Bible with, laugh, play, work....I love being married. Especially when your husband is as wonderful as mine. :)

Here are a few pictures from the day :) Everything went smoothly - it was amazing. People had told me that "something would go wrong" and "not to worry", and I don't think a single thing went wrong.
About a month after we got married, Dan's brother Scott got married in Pennsylvania. It was so cool to see the difference in weddings in only a month. Ours was so Christmas themed and theirs was wintry/outdoorsy. Very cool. :) We are very happy for Scott and Michelle!! (Dan really is happy...despite how it looks in the first picture haha).
Currently I am sick with a cold or sinus infection or something. Dan and I are also excited because we will be having baby #1 sometime in early November! Ideally we were hoping to wait a bit longer, but God has His plan, and we are excited regardless. I will also be excited when I feel ok again - haha. I haven't felt terrible, but have had my ups and downs, and have to be careful what I eat. Coffee has been out for sure (very sad, and clearly this is Dan's son or daughter because I have no desire to drink coffee).
Spring is finally here and that makes me happy beyond belief. I am also so excited to go visit the Cartwrights sometime in the next few weeks. I miss them a lot! I will try to check in again sooner rather than later. :)
In Christ and with love,