When I am with you, everyone else disappears.
When I am with you, I am so happy I can hardly contain it.
When I am with you I smile a lot. Laugh a lot. Feel content a lot.
When I am with you I tickle you. You tell me not to, and I know you don't like it that I do that, but at the same time, you let me because you know it amuses me. That shows me how you care.
When I am with you I act silly. Sillier than usual.
When I am with you I am real. The real, ungarded me.
When I am with you, deep conversations are had. Fluffy conversations are had. Sad conversations are had. Everything under the sun is discussed.
When I am with you I sometimes get annoyed, frustrated, crabby...I don't mean to...I love you. More than anything (but Jesus). But I'm human and I fail. Please know I don't mean to hurt you...ever...at least not intentionally...
When I am with you I am free...in heart, mind, spirit...
When I am with you I see God's goodness...how He watched over you and I to bring us together in His own unique way...
When I am with you I feel loved. Cared for. Special. Honored.
I love being with you.