Snow...snowshoeing...trees covered with snow. Christmas lights and hot coffee...dipping cookies in the hot coffee. Red, green, glitter. The quiet stillness of a snowstorm. Hunkering down under a blanket with some chai and a warm sweater. Pinecones. The sun setting on a strikingly cold birthday...catching snowflakes with your tongue...fires in the skating...sledding...snowmen and snowball fights...HOCKEY...I love winter... cider...flannel shirts...vests. Warm boots and hats and mittens. Jumping in a pile of leaves. Staring at the colors for hours on end and never getting sick of it. Acorns...pumpkins...squash....cold rain and the smell of the leaves in the cold rain...bright sun on cold days...fires in the favorite time to hike...knowing winter is on its way...
Spring. New life. Flowers daring to poke their heads out of the ground. The excitement to see things growing after a long sleep. Daffodils in an old jar on a window sill. Mud. Tree buds. Easter. Easter eggs. 40 degrees and we can wear shorts!! Joy.
I want to go visit the Northeast part of this all four seasons....I want to buy some old VW van that's green and drive it all over up there, and go to all the places I've never been before...New York is debatable, but I would still maybe go there just because I've never been...simplicity is great though...
I need to take more pictures of everyday life. Because everyday life is beautiful. And, ladies and gentlemen...this is what happens when my brain is just one big bag of random weirdness and I just write.....but this is just where I'm at today. Feet 100 miles off the ground and feeling wanderlust...